Board Grades

boxonline produces a variety of boxes with varying board grades. A board grade is a grade given to corrugated board based on three elements; firstly, the weight and type of outer liner, secondly the type of flute and thirdly the weight and type of inner liner.

Here at boxonline, we manufacture our boxes from a range of substrates. These substrates include corrugated board, solid board, and Twinwall Coruplas (polypropene board). Corrugated board is our most common type of board as its durable nature makes it the perfect choice for packaging and shipping. Solid board, on the other hand, is more suitable to package individual products. Finally, polypropene boards are robust, waterproof and reusable.

Corrugated board comes in different board grades depending on the desired application. The types of board grade include:

  • E-Flute
  • T-Flute
  • B-Flute
  • C-Flute

A single Flute board grade is known as Single Wall Board. Double Wall Board refers to the use of two Flutes and comes in either B/C-Flute or B/E-Flute. A range of board grades can be used depending on the required strength of the box.

Each Flute has its own standard thickness, shown here:

E-Flute 1.5 – 1.8mm
B-Flute 2.5 – 3.0 mm
C-Flute 3.0 – 3.5mm
B/E-Flute (DWB) 4.5mm
B/C-Flute (DWB) 6.5 – 7.0mm


Our liners are made mainly of recycled materials, but virgin liners are also available. Liners can be used in different combinations in order to achieve the desired strength, and range from 85g to 220g per square meter. This is illustrated below:

Technical babble can get confusing- but boxes are what we do. 

If you need assistance understanding which board grades are right for you, call us and we’d gladly clarify. That way, you’ll be one step closer to strong brand packaging.